Children & adolescence


Child & adolescent psychology

Psychology for Life provides comprehensive, holistic assessments and individualised treatment working closely with the family and the school to bring about positive change. Some areas we focus on include:

Anxiety & Depression

Children and adolescents can become depressed and anxious for many reasons including family conflict, difficulties in relationships with family and peers, academic expectations and difficulties, transitions such as changes in schools and bullying.

School Adjustments

School adjustment can be affected by many factors. Supporting children,adolescents and their families to cope with these challenges paves the way for smoother transitions and the development of coping skills and resilience.

Behavioural Difficulties

Psychology for Life provides comprehensive assessments working together with parents and the school on issues such as temper tantrums, oppositional behaviour, school avoidance and hyperactivity. We work together with all concerned to bring about positive change.

In each session we aim to provide

Helpful tools, tips, and Strategies for navigating your unique obstacles



What are some signs of depression in children?

Common signs of depression in children are sleep difficulties, loss of interest in activities the child usually enjoys, low mood, withdrawal, tiredness especially after school.

Children who are depressed may show signs of anxiety as they experience difficulty coping with their everyday life.

How do I know if my child’s level of anxiety is normal?

A child may worry about lots of things including schoolwork and new events and need constant reassurance.

It is normal for a child to have fears and anxiety. Parents need to ask themselves to what extent is it interfering in the child’s everyday life.

If a parent is concerned about their child’s behaviour it would be a good idea to have a comprehensive assessment. 

You can read more about children and separation anxiety on my blog

What do I say when my child tells me they are being bullied?

When children confide to their parents about being bullied or engaging in bullying this should always be treated seriously due to the negative and often long lasting damaging impact on self esteem, peer relationships and academic success.

It is very important that the child feels they can talk to someone about the bullying as silence and inaction is the greatest breeder of bullying.

Psychology for Life works together with the child, parent and the school to identify the issues and work together to reduce and deal with the bullying behaviours and develop the chid’s coping skills and resilience.

What should I expect if I come to your practice with my child?

Psychology for Life provides comprehensive assessments working together with the parents and the school with practical strategies to make positive change. Your family will be supported with a personal and individual approach with a focus on developing rapport and a therapeutic relationship with your child. Our aim is to support your child and family in developing effective communication, positive relationships and well-being. Your child will be supported with coping strategies to identify, express and regulate his/her own emotions. Our approaches are evidence based and we use proven strategies from many years of working with diverse children, adolescents and families.