Adult Support


Anxiety & depression

Anxiety is a natural experience for everyone. Anxiety initiates a “fight or flight response” which is a natural physiological response to cope with a stressor. However when you experience excessive anxiety that impacts on your everyday functioning, you need to consider seeking assistance from a Psychologist.

Relationship Counselling

Relationships have their challenges but when they cause distress and impact on our functioning, well-being and our ability to communicate with the people important to us it would be helpful to talk to a Psychologist.

Stress management

Stress is positive if it motivates us to set goals and strive towards them. When a person stresses to the extent that they are anxious, lose sleep, appetite, withdraw from challenges and social interaction then it is recommended to seek professional help.

In each session we aim to provide

Helpful tools, tips, and strategies for navigating your unique obstacles



Can Depression go away on its own?

Everyone is unique and treatment approaches can vary dependant on the severity, triggers and your environment. However with diagnosed depression, it usually will not go away on it’s own.

Luckily, depression is well studied and there are an array of different treatments and with a psychologist you can take the time to find what works best for you.

Does anxiety make you tired?

As your body responds to stresses and threats hormones are released and you may notice an array of physical symptoms including, shaking, chest pain,  fasting heart rate and nausea.

These are symptoms of moderate to severe anxiety which will negatively impact your mood, sleep and energy levels.

How do I ask my partner to go to therapy with me?

This can be a hard topic to approach, try and pick a time when you are both calm and feeling level headed. Next, it’s important to not present therapy as a threat. Try using phrases like “I feel it would be helpful to discuss this with a psychologist” and avoid blame and saying things like “You need ” or “You are”

Help make it a joint experience, ask them for their preferences, as an example. “When suit you”, “Would you prefer to go in person or chat over the phone.”

Finally, tell them how it would make you feel if they came with you to therapy and show gratitude if they are open to making time to improve your relationship.

How do I arrange a referral to see a psychologist?

You can visit Psychology For Life without a referral. However, if you would like to receive a Medicare rebate on your psychology sessions you will need to arrange for your GP to prepare a Mental Healthcare Plan. We are also currently providing subsidised sessions for those affected by Covid. Please call to discuss subsidised rates 0423 748 886.